Blog Archives


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Porcelain Pagodas and Dirty Pillows: Margery Sharp’s great study in Taste, Service, and Adventure OR From Golden Swings to Cold Dark Icicles: the Pendulum Bravery of the World’s Most Refined Mouse OR Miss Bianca’s Life: a study in rough adventure, cold barren wastelands and strife, and Ornate and Resplendent luxury OR Miss Bianca’s abilities in Read more…


The Rescuers movie (an adaptation of Margery Sharp’s The Rescuers and Miss Bianca) is an exciting and fun movie that keeps you in suspense at times, making you wonder what will happen next: especially the parts where Bernard and Miss Bianca were getting chased by the crocs, or when Evinrude was being chased by a Read more…


The picture takes place in the Porcelain Pagoda, and more accurately in Miss Bianca’s bed with its pink silk sheets. She is worrying over her plan of rescuing Mandrake, which is the reason she is sitting up with a look of worry on her face, with her sheets crumpling down to the ground, to which Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Dubuque Hijinks Both Augusta and Toby thought living in Dubuque was decent if you didn’t count the ridiculously hard school system and homework, that is. The reason Augusta had even come to know the city was thanks to her dad who had come to Dubuque for a job. Toby though, was different – he was Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

The small but ferocious beast who knows no equal; OR, the “Safe but frightening Honey Badger Honey-from-hell Tour” Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard. Please stay seated at all times and don’t knock on the glass windows. You will see many fascinating animals but some of them can be dangerous – don’t worry though, that’s the Read more…