11th grader, age 16

New York, USA

Dear Tiffany, my younger self,

If this letter reaches you successfully, then my plan is proceeding in full swing. All this will sound very far-fetched, and maybe you’ll discard this letter and continue on with your life. But I advise you to listen. If all is going to plan, you’ll remember nothing of where you really are, but you may ask: what is my mission, or, who was I? That is because you were maybe not careful. Your much-needed wakeup call says 2026. Now the year is 2030. 

Tiffany, you are the inventor and adjudicator for a new machine (a type of micro-DNA machine which interacts with the double-helix).

I developed… Well, you developed it. At this point I have successfully reinserted you backwards. In your life, again, as a fifteen year-old in 2020, Tiffany, this letter has reached back to you successfully because you know that it is a dimensional shadow, which was imperceptible until 2025, (first perceived by your team) and what has been universally identified as a link… to what you know.

I have created a machine that, simply put, is an extremely advanced form of virtual reality. It enters the brain itself (with permission) and analyzes and alters the speeds of various synapses there, and morphs them to replay or alter memories, images, or ideas, by accessing the primary visual cortex and altering what the body sees, feels, senses, and remembers. Right now, I have given you an opportunity to re-experience your path to express who you have become today, and who we have become today. 

Who am I? Well, I am you. Ten years in the future, or the present, or however you want to refer to it. We have programmed this technology to bring you this letter once in the simulation, to remind you why we are here. This technology could have, would have, been revolutionary, as you can imagine. As a licensed psychologist, I was prepared to apply it to reveal and re-enact past trauma in patients, to unlock repressed memories and self-perceptions. The Freudian and Jungian psychological models are about a century outdated, and I had to find the latest stepping-stones, which I found highly delayed, in what was known. 

Things started to go downhill when I discovered the true breadth of the abilities provided. It gave insight to more than just the exploration of the present mind: it allowed us to see higher dimensional shadows, or ghosts of memories, certain nerve connections that had existed before, but had been broken. It allowed us to see into the memories of soul recollection, or past lives. This was a monumental discovery not only for the world of psychology, but for religion, science… and an affirmation to the transcendent community. People began to see history through their own worn-out eyes, and yet old facts were reimagined, buried artifacts were found, wisdom recovered, corrupt and historical… and as well, if those figures in power were actually made to walk in the Emperor’s New Clothes, as children recognized them. But, in the early stages of mayhem – what eruptions had to be shut down?

You are a very ambitious and capable younger me. Stop doubting that, and run this concept: protection must accompany innovation. Keep in mind that regulation is a beast, not a puppy. Keep it on a tight leash and don’t let things get out of hand. 

Tiffany, no matter how your curiosity might push against you, unleashing the potential of it would be dangerous for more than just you. Therefore, proceed with all auxiliary and cautionary support.

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