Monthly Archives: May 2012


A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
George Bernard Shaw



This quote reflects George Bernard Shaw’s economic beliefs, although it can be interpreted in a few different ways. For example, in America today, we have a progressive tax system, established in part by the 16th Amendment. The general idea of this tax system is that it taxes the wealthy at a higher rate than it does the poor, thereby redistributing the wealth from the rich to the poor. In a democratic system, this type of tax almost always develops because everyone wants a share of the rich’s money without having to do anything but vote for it. However, Shaw was an avid Socialist who believed in nationalization and collectivization, two ideas inherently contradictory to this quote. In nationalization, where industries are put under government control, and collectivization, where land and wealth is placed under government control, the government is effectively robbing the rich to pay the poor. Perhaps this quote is a reference to the corruption that Shaw felt was present at the time – Paul might be a lobbyist or otherwise politically connected and influential individual, who conspires with the government to take a share of government revenue. Under this interpretation, Shaw’s political ideology would also not make sense, since in every socialist example, those in government receive a disproportionate amount of government income and are generally corrupt.


“A happy family is but an earlier heaven.” –George Bernard Shaw


This can be true for many people because some people look at heaven as a place to reunite with loved ones that passed away earlier. This is because when they can be with them, they are happy again. If a family was like that before they pass away, then in the eyes of some people who would love to be with their passed away family, they are living in heaven. This is also true because some people define heaven as a place where all their wishes are granted. Most people in the world want to be happy, because that is one of the main purposes of life besides surviving. So if you met your goal of being happy, then you are in heaven.  Some people think that just being with a family is heaven. I think my family right now is currently very happy and I think it can be considered an early heaven.

A happy family is but an earlier heaven.


George Bernard Shaw


A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
George Bernard Shaw


Please choose and interpret the quote and then make comments about its meaning. 6 sentence minimum.