Memorial Day is on the last Monday of every May. After the Civil War, General John A. Logan made a holiday called Decoration Day, to honor those who died in the Civil War. Then, in 1890, many cities adopted Memorial Day instead of Decoration Day as a holiday, honoring not just those who died in the Civil War, but all people who gave their lives to protect their country.
Aaron interviewed Mrs. Hur:
“Memorial Day Is a day where we remember those that gave their life, and they sacrificed everything for their country. It gives us the opportunity to be grateful for all of our military and the freedom they provide us with. It makes us stop and remember why Memorial Day was started in the first place, and helps me remember that it started after the Civil War where our nation was divided, and we fought for the principle that all men and women are equal. Every day we take for granted the sacrifices our military faced, and we would not be here today without it.”
Aaron interviewed Mr. Hur:
“Memorial Day is a day for remembering people who have passed away, for both those one knows intimately and those who made broader sacrifices for the greater good – these men and women are remembered. People celebrate people who died in military action, for great causes like civil rights, and military family who are no longer with us. Overall, it is a day to remember people who died serving the Constitution of our country.”
Here’s an example from the United States Air Force: