Genre: State by State


Appreciating Americana State By State: A Panoramic Portrait of America, edited and compiled by Matt Weiland and Sean Wilsey, aims to create one book containing 50 different essays, written by 50 different authors, about the 50 U.S. states. Each individual essay attempts to capture the notable features and gives a unique understanding to each place. Read more…


Vandalia: The Fiction and Truth of West Virginia Stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the snowy peaks of Alaska’s Brooks Range in the Arctic Circle to Florida’s swampy Everglades in the Gulf of Mexico, the United States of America is as diverse topographically as it is culturally. Each state of the U.S. may Read more…


A Republic of Variety State by State, A Panoramic Portrait of America began as essentially a road trip compressed into a book. In the 1930s, the Federal Writers’ Project was created. The project hired many of the most famous authors to write for them, like Richard Wright, an author who was also the founder of Read more…


The Self-Deprecating Humor of Ohio, Maine, and New Jersey In 2008, Sean Wilsey and Matt Weiland came together to write a book: a collection of travel guides, narratives, biographies, and stories. State by State: a Panoramic Portrait of America, was to be a road trip in written form to help Americans better understand America. This Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Imagine driving your newly acquired motorcycle crossing the Ohio Bridge from Cincinnati, and upon entering Kentucky, you find yourself situated on a long road stretching ahead through the vast land, and you feel like an explorer starting a long journey; would you find that the undulating countryside was giving you an almost nautical experience of riding up and down great green rolling waves of grass, with the blue sky shining off of the green grass, expertly nibbled to a lawn-look by an elegant thoroughbred horse?