Genre: 5th


The movie was excellent; it had interesting qualities. Allow me to first talk about the scenery – the scenery was incredible and beautiful especially on the island. Whether it was a sunset or bright sunny day, it gave me this warming feeling and made me feel better about the drama of being stuck on the Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Fly report (viewer discretion advised) Flies: Dyptera Fascinatingly, Diptera is broken into 2 suborders, the two are Nematocera and Brachycera, because of their different antennae. The superb Nematocera is known by their long bodies and somewhat feathery antennae, unlike the Brachycera, who have rounder bodies and a short antennae. Would you believe if I told Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

The small but ferocious beast who knows no equal; OR, the “Safe but frightening Honey Badger Honey-from-hell Tour” Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard. Please stay seated at all times and don’t knock on the glass windows. You will see many fascinating animals but some of them can be dangerous – don’t worry though, that’s the Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Vulpes Lagopus or Alopex Lagopus: Sea fox or Hare Foot? I’ve always liked foxes. I’ve been drawn to them. Sometimes I think I AM A FOX. Recently I came across a fox that felt even more like me: the Arctic fox. This little beast, like me, loves the cold and snow and makes its clever Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Wilson’s bird of paradise.  Most of you have never seen a Wilson’s bird of paradise. Learn about their mating rituals and looks.  Before we start, shall we look at “The things you should know if you’re going to get a pet Wilson’s bird of paradise”? No. (Please don’t.) A male Wilson’s bird of paradise, at Read more…