Genre: 7th

Theo Rao

The Mysterious and Captivating Saola In the 20th century, there were only a few discoveries that rocked the zoology field, and one of these occurred at nearly the end. An antelope-resembling cousin of the cow was recently discovered. In 1992, a team of biologists and zoologists set out on an expedition to survey a newly-established Read more…


Big Headed Boneheaded Bowheads When you imagine a beautiful sea animal, part of the image that comes with it is a dorsal fin, but bowhead whales don’t have one, nor do the narwhal and beluga. In case you’re wondering what in the world a dorsal fin is, it’s a triangular protrusion that seems like it’s Read more…


The Hobbit is a highly captivating book, for it’s almost impossible to resist turning to the next page. The first sentence of the book introduced a creature who has no beard, who is inclined to fat in the belly, and who is about half of our height called a hobbit, and this hobbit is called Read more…


Ancient Egyptian Fashion: Footwear and Accessories Imagine what it would be like if the ancient Egyptians came here in the present, bringing their passion for fashion to us? From their footwear to their jewelry to their makeup and hairstyles, are all very fascinating, revealing their influence on modern style, and producing an awareness about the Read more…


In 2005, George Lucas gave us one of our best Star Wars films yet. When he featured Ewan McGregor and Samuel L. Jackson in the cast, he whipped up something special. This is the third movie in terms of chronology, but the sixth in order of production. In The Revenge of the Sith you’re knocked Read more…