The Ravenous Rats This story won Zafar HONORABLE MENTION in the Scholastic Awards! The shining sun glared down on the small town of Deaba, Louisiana. Everywhere the light shone, there was peace, happiness, and serenity. But in the darkness, there was no harmony, no rules, and no laws. Behind the KFC was a gray, greasy Read more…
Many said that Caesar was a general but that was not all, as in the War Correspondent doc it states… He was one of the best reporters as well. The document then zips along with the first war correspondents William Howard Russell, hired by Edwin Lawrence Godkin of the London Times. Russell’s actions were so Read more…
“The Mildenhall Treasure” is a great story. It uses something called creative nonfiction. This is when a writer takes a real historical fact or story and uses nonfictional characters and techniques to recreate it differently. For instance, one can read a newspaper account of an event and have the same set of facts playing out Read more…
Madeline L’Engle Before I go deep into my writing, I want to say one of the most important things I took away from Chapter Seven. There are a LOT of big words. Mitochondria, farandole, Proginoskes, Echthroi, etc. Echthroi means enemies in Latin, by the way. So many that I had to re-read some pages A Read more…