Genre: 8th


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Fashion is Afoot by Jason Yang What is a sneakerhead, you may ask. What does that term represent in your community? How does it describe someone? Well… I am a sneakerhead and I am here to inform you on everything you may or may not need to know about the world of shoes, stretching from Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Fording the River to Grab Independence  As the soldiers grabbed their oars preparing for the cold journey ahead, they knew that this could be the crucial moment that changed everything. They plowed ahead of the ice and strained against the current to cross the icy Delaware. Determination kept them warm as they crossed the dangerous Read more…


Spoiler Alert – if you have not read “An African Story” do not read the below. Roald Dahl was not only an author but also a pilot for the Royal Air Force. His short story, “An African Story”, is profound. Dahl writes this story as if it is a manuscript that he found, as if Read more…


Claude McKay has changed a lot so far in A Long Way From Home. I have read around 100 pages of it and have noticed that Claude isn’t the same person that traveled from Jamaica. He is now more curious than ever to learn about the rest of the world, like the US, London, and Read more…


Once upon a time there was a boy named Richard Brown, but everyone called him “Brownie”. He loved brownies so much, he worked day and night to make the perfect recipe for brownies. He finally found it at 2 am and yelled, “Eureka!” He started making more and more, and sold them out on the Read more…