Genre: 10th


Appreciating Americana State By State: A Panoramic Portrait of America, edited and compiled by Matt Weiland and Sean Wilsey, aims to create one book containing 50 different essays, written by 50 different authors, about the 50 U.S. states. Each individual essay attempts to capture the notable features and gives a unique understanding to each place. Read more…


Gretath Yunberg I stepped outside and took a long, deep breath of the cool refreshing air. Everything was caked with a thick layer of glistening and shining white snow. The majestic pine trees with their skinny branches struggled to push against the snow that weighed them down. I stepped out and my heavy boots were Read more…


Eudora Welty’s Revision Process: Exploring the Two Versions of “Flowers for Marjorie” “We grew up to the striking of clocks.” Thus begins Eudora Welty’s One Writer’s Beginnings, a book that was on the New York Times Bestseller List for 44 weeks in the early 80s. Welty transports us into her earliest memories, retracing her path to becoming Read more…


The Herbalist             A heavy woman in her mid-40s, with frizzy, curly hair and a mischievous glint in her eye kicked open her 1925 Chevy door and kicked it back, walking with a slouch up to her front door.            “And this is the only time when I wish Read more…