Genre: 10th


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Napoleon’s greatest work: Battle of Austerlitz The muskets were firing and the soldiers were yelling. The boom of cannons and screams of pain from troops from both sides sounded across the battlefield. But the violence kept going, and suddenly, the bugle sang the song of war and the sound of hooves thudding against the dirt could Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Bernice, Marty, and Laverne’s Trip to NYC My name is Bernice Krebs, and this is my trip to New York City. It was Friday and we were almost off work for a few days. “Hey girls! We worked so hard this year, let’s go somewhere!” I said. “Ooh let’s go to a big city! Where Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

The Importance of Family I was a senior in high school. I had already been accepted to Penn State on a wrestling scholarship and was up against Anthony Paine for the State Title. Rated as the top seed in the tournament, Anthony was a massive guy who looked completely shredded. He was undefeated with twenty wins Read more…


Convergence Spirits are regarded as evil, only negative traces of whatever they used to be. People fear spirits, hunt ghosts, and tell stories about them as if they were passive monsters. The truth is, most aren’t malicious, hateful, or evil. They’re just alone. Forever. Or at least until they move on, or somehow become whole Read more…