Genre: 10th


End of the Year Reflection My second year of high school has certainly been an enlightening and eventful experience. Throughout the school year, I have learned many lessons that I believe will affect me for the rest of my school years, and possibly my life. One important lesson that I take away from this school Read more…


John Donne John Donne was an English metaphysical poet who lived from January, 1572 to March, 1631. As a poet, he was widely known for his use of parody, irony, and wit. As a priest, Donne was widely known for his meditations and sermons on love and death, and his inner conflict with both. Donne Read more…


Utopias Utopia: based on Greek: ou ‘not’ + topos ‘place.’   The definition of the word utopia is: ‘An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects.’ We all dream of the perfect world, but each person has different ideals so our ideas of perfection may all be different. Two examples of Read more…