Genre: Grade level


In The Mummy, the Will, and the Crypt by John Bellairs, there were many many twists and turns throughout the entire story that constantly kept me on my feet wondering what would happen next. The amount of magic in this story really made me wonder how Johnny could overcome. The final chapter was definitely my Read more…


The Marmon Wasp Chapter I:  I was in shock. There are few things as exciting and as terrifying as finally getting to walk inside the Marmon Plant, the place where all the greatest cars get made. I felt my knees almost collapse like twigs on a windy day when I took my first step toward Read more…


The Rocker I wanted to go home. I wanted to be anywhere but Mr. Johnson’s classroom. The gray-haired nuisance had humiliated me for the fifth time this year – this time he had snatched my blank homework from my hands, and upon seeing it, had continuously reprimanded me. When I thought the eruption was finally Read more…


Dear students, The process for finding the best battle (Famous Battles essay = FB essay) to write about is a tricky one for two reasons. #1. It is such a monumental choice because writing the FB essay is a long and exacting process, combining the principles of journalism (verification of information and sources, and context, Read more…


Big Headed Boneheaded Bowheads When you imagine a beautiful sea animal, part of the image that comes with it is a dorsal fin, but bowhead whales don’t have one, nor do the narwhal and beluga. In case you’re wondering what in the world a dorsal fin is, it’s a triangular protrusion that seems like it’s Read more…