Genre: Biology

Theo Rao

The Mysterious and Captivating Saola In the 20th century, there were only a few discoveries that rocked the zoology field, and one of these occurred at nearly the end. An antelope-resembling cousin of the cow was recently discovered. In 1992, a team of biologists and zoologists set out on an expedition to survey a newly-established Read more…


Big Headed Boneheaded Bowheads When you imagine a beautiful sea animal, part of the image that comes with it is a dorsal fin, but bowhead whales don’t have one, nor do the narwhal and beluga. In case you’re wondering what in the world a dorsal fin is, it’s a triangular protrusion that seems like it’s Read more…


Toad-headed, the rainbow, smashed headed rock… what are these monsters? The agama comprises at least seven species found across Africa where they are the most common lizard. They can be found in sizes of 12.5 to 30 centimeters and have a wide variety of colors. Their front teeth are designed for quick cutting and chewing Read more…


The Mystical Beast Cetaceans are a big family of massive mammals that act like fish. All whales, porpoises and dolphins are in this class. Balaenoptera musculus is identified in the cetacean family by their baleen, which is a fur-looking substance made of keratin, a protein. Cetaceans are mammals who live in the ocean. Only the Read more…


The Hagfish: a living wormy fossil Scientists estimate that the hagfish has been around for 300 million years and has barely changed. They are the only animal with a jawbone but no spine. They are so interesting and unique and must be studied for their ways of helping our world and for their unique characteristics.  Read more…