Genre: Biology


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

The acrobatic animals of the ocean You know when you think of the most beautiful animals in the world, what do you think of? Well you think of dolphins of course! What makes dolphins so fascinating? Well, dolphins are brilliant animals, sleek and gorgeous, and like to put on a show. They’re like human beings Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

The Fattest tail in the book : Gila monster! Just like other reptiles, Gila monsters lay eggs. A single female can lay 3-13 eggs, and she keeps them safe for four whole months! The eggs are 2.5 inches (6.3 cm) long most of the time and they also weigh up to 1.4 ounces (40 grams). Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Giant panda, ailuropoda melanoleuca, is a typical bear. It is completely white except for black fur on its ears, around its eyes, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. Giant pandas first became endangered in 1990 due to excessive poaching in the 80s and deforestation, depleting their bamboo food source. However, in 2016, their extinction status got boosted Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

Fly report (viewer discretion advised) Flies: Dyptera Fascinatingly, Diptera is broken into 2 suborders, the two are Nematocera and Brachycera, because of their different antennae. The superb Nematocera is known by their long bodies and somewhat feathery antennae, unlike the Brachycera, who have rounder bodies and a short antennae. Would you believe if I told Read more…


Mr Watt´s Literary Services

The small but ferocious beast who knows no equal; OR, the “Safe but frightening Honey Badger Honey-from-hell Tour” Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard. Please stay seated at all times and don’t knock on the glass windows. You will see many fascinating animals but some of them can be dangerous – don’t worry though, that’s the Read more…