What Do Dogs Think About?
Dogs don’t know how to talk, so we don’t know what they’re thinking, but we might have an idea… maybe they think about food or treats, or they might think about getting a new playmate. When a dog’s owner is on vacation, dogs realize that their owner is not there, and that’s all they know. So, when you’re on vacation, your dog will only know you’re gone, and your dog might even think that you will never come back. Dogs have a lot of things to think about.
Dogs mostly think about their owners – they’re always wondering when their owner is coming back. Dogs mostly think about their owners because their owners give them affection, play with them, and care about them. If you give your dog affection, the dog will give affection back to you. If you train a dog to be friendly, everyone will love your dog and want to pet it. When friendly dogs see a person approaching, they will just stand there and let them pet him or her. Dogs are very affectionate with their owners, and they think about them all the time.
Even though we know some of the things that dogs think about, we don’t know everything. Maybe dogs think about how they look, or they might think about what’s going on in YOUR head! Dogs probably think about lots of different things. I would guess that when a dog is not thinking about their owner, they probably think about food. Lots of dogs like to eat, and dogs probably think about what they’re going to have for dinner, or if they’re going to have a treat soon, and things like that. Dogs might even think about using the bathroom or if they like the food you’re going to give them. We don’t know all the things that dogs think about, but we might have an idea!
When someone is approaching a dog, the dog might be curious, or may stay behind his or her owner. When a dog sees another animal, such as a cat, the dog will probably ask itself “What’s that thing?” Or maybe the dog will ask itself “Is it a toy, is it friendly, or is it food?” Some dogs like to chase animals, so when those dogs see an animal they’ll think immediately and start chasing the poor thing. Usually when a dog spots a domestic animal, like a cat, the dog will try to sniff the cat’s butt. I have no idea why dogs do that, but they do. Dogs think about many things–maybe they think about silly things, weird things, and much more!
Different types of dogs probably think of different things. The kind and loving Shih Tzu might think about when their owner will coming back, the sporty dogs such as the German Shepherd or the Australian Shepherd might think that too, because they probably want their owner to take them out for a walk. When a Rottweiler hears a sound, it might think that danger is coming and start barking, or it might be excited because its owner is coming home to play with him or her. Most teacup puppies probably think of taking a nap since teacup puppies are VERY laid back and they are quite lazy! The chubby little Bulldog probably is thinking about food all day long.
Then again we have no idea what dogs are thinking!
Puppies probably think about different things than adult dogs. Puppies are very playful and they just love your attention. They probably think about their mother or maybe they’re too young to think about anything. Puppies love to sleep, so they probably think of taking a nap. I guess that puppies would think about growing up, getting food, their mother, and maybe their siblings. A dog’s and a puppy’s mind is a mystery we’ll never solve, well at least not for now… .