The Terrible Case
Beep beep. Rob had just been diagnosed with a sickness called mono. He couldn’t move or talk. All the doctors were concerned about him: would he make it or would he die? Suddenly he stopped breathing. His throat was clogged with swollen lymph nodes. The Pulmonologist had just walked in. He quickly put on the gloves and hand sanitizer and hopped on the stool with the wheels. He looked at Rob in a special way, like he was looking all the way down Rob’s throat.

“He needs the air mask,” cried the Pulmonologist.
“Got it,” yelled the Surgeon.
The Pulmonologist gently placed it on Rob’s mouth and the straps over his ears. Suddenly Rob’s parents ran into the room and demanded to know what was happening.
“What’s going on!?” cried Isla, Rob’s mom.
“He can’t breathe so we are securing the air mask,” said the Surgeon.
“Oh my god, my poor baby,” shrieked Isla.
Meanwhile Philip, Rob’s dad was trying to calm her down.
“It’s going to be alright,” lullabied Philip.
As time passed, Rob was getting more and more purplish and Isla was getting more anxious every millisecond Philip was singing harder and harder, the Pulmonologist was getting tired and more tired, and the room kept getting louder and louder. Philip then became angry about the lack of effort the Pulmonologist and the Surgeon were doing to Rob.
“What are you guys doing!?” yelled Philip.
“We are just doing our job,” the Surgeon screamed back.
“Well you guys are not good at it!!!!” cried out Philip.
“Mr. William, we will need to escort you out,” the Surgeon announced.
Mr. William finally took Isla’s shaking hand and said “After this we are done with these people!” Suddenly the lymph nodes in Rob’s throat got smaller and left a hole to breathe.
“Water, I need water,” shrieked the Pulmonologist.
“Coming,” yelled the Surgeon.
Then the Pulmonologist poured water down Rob’s throat. Suddenly… .
“Huuuuh,” gasped Rob.
“He’s alive!” cried the Surgeon.
After relieving the parents who were very worried and getting Rob checked they were good to go.