Casper the Cartoon Ghost and the mysterious journey to the Bermuda Triangle I should tell you about my ghost toy, and his name is Casper. He is a small figure who floats. He has a back that looks like a soft tail, like a bendy whale’s tail. His friends are Tweety, Sparky, Boo, and Penguiny.
Penguiny has a long yellow beak, and his arms and legs are really short, and black and white, but his legs are yellow. His tummy is rounded, and on the first layer, it’s black. On the second layer, it’s white. He has eyes that are very tiny, even the naked eye can’t see them, so essentially, his head looks like one big beak. His tail is short but thick, and he loves playing with it, flinging it around, watching the water droplets fly. Boo, the toy dog has fluffy hair that is brown and fun to stroke.
His eyes are very small, like Penguiny’s. He is a male dog who is very proud of himself because he broke the world record for being the cutest dog in the world. Sparky was an entertaining, but skittish monkey with stiff, smelly hair, which no one touches. Sparky is small.
and dislikes the color brown. He has big round purple eyes – quite big for an average sized monkey. His tail is very thin, brown and long, and he hates it. His nose is sharp and brown. Weird, right?
One sunny day, the friends were playing volleyball on the beach in Florida.Suddenly, a big wind blew by and blew the friends away into the sea.
“Ahh! What’s happening?!!!!!!” cried Tweety. Tweety is a very skillful bird, who loves to fly around the house. But his wings are now too short, so he can only walk instead of fly. His hair is yellow and his beak and feet are orange. He pronounces his R as a W.
“I think…” Sparky cried.
“What!?” asked Boo.
“Are we the only people er… toys that survived?” asked Sparky.
“Yes, I think…” said Tweety, raising his voice. There was a fog, and it was covering up a lot of things. Soon, the fog was getting worse, and they didn’t know what time it was. Boo had an idea to spend the night in an abandoned ship. The ship was half sunken, and it was tilted to about 45 degrees. The toys though that it was safe because there was a lot of seaweed holding the ship up. They all agreed to rest there, since that was the only place they could sleep: the other places were too swampy for them. As night came, the toys slept in the abandoned boat, but they didn’t know that someone, or something, was lurking throughout the boat.
Boo woke up, and he saw a shadow creeping within the boat. He thought he was dreaming, so he went back to sleep.
The next day came, and the toys were still trembling, because Boo had disappeared.
“Where’d he go?” asked Tweety.
“What if he went to the bathroom?” suggested Casper.
“Yeah! Let’s wait for him!” exclaimed Sparky.
Penguiny just stayed quiet. Half an hour later, Boo still didn’t appear. They all suddenly saw a shadow. A big shadow. A humungous shadow. A gigantic shadow.
“What was that?” asked Penguiny, experiencing a cold shiver run down his spine.
Meanwhile… Natasha went to the beach where the friends played to check if they were still there. When she didn’t see them, she sighed and said, “Oh, mischievous toys! What have they done now! I can never find them! Hmm… I should send a hologram of myself to wherever they are! Good thing there is good technology. “Beep,boop,beep,beep!” She dialed a number on a hologram machine thing. The hologram of Natasha appeared, and then nodded, then rushed away into a mysterious place.
“Oh no! I think we’re being haunted!” exclaimed Sparky.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” asked Casper. “Yes, but just to make sure, can you tell me?”
The shadow was getting closer, and closer. Suddenly, a face in the shadow appeared. “Hello toys! Follow me!”
“Natasha!” shouted Tweety. The toys followed the shadow into a toilet in the boat. They kept asking the hologram of Natasha questions like, “How did you find us?”, “Who led you here?” and stuff like that.
“Hologram Report,” commanded Natasha, back on the beach.
“Toys are safe and unharmed, but still finding Boo. Getting out of here in ten minutes,” replied the hologram. The toys set out to find Boo. “Where are you, Boo?”
“Come on! We haven’t got all day to mess around and play hide n’ seek!”
Out of nowhere, Boo popped out. Everyone was happy, but Boo was frightened.
“I had an encounter with a devil and a skeleton. The skeleton told me ‘You will never get out of here’ and I was so scared that I ran. I found you guys, but then the skeleton grabbed me again and scratched me so hard on my ear that all the cotton fell out. See?”
Everyone was so astonished, but there was no time to waste, they had to get out of there.
They followed Natasha’s hologram to a room inside the deserted ship. It was unfamiliar, but they still followed her. “Wow, I never knew this part of the Bermuda Triangle,” said Boo.
“Duh, like we came to the Bermuda Triangle before, know-it-all!”
“Shut up!”
“SHHHHH! Stay put! Don’t make a sound!” whispered Natasha’s hologram very mysteriously.
A boney hand crept out of the mysterious bathroom filled with many spiderwebs, and it started crawling. All of a sudden, it started growing bigger and bigger. It filled the whole boat up so that the friends couldn’t even have place to breathe!
“Ahhh!” shouted Boo.
The mysterious so-called bony hand had really good hearing, so he quickly sensed where Boo was, and the other toys. But Natasha’s hologram was to the rescue.
“Run up to the abandoned ship at the top, screamed Natasha’s hologram, “—we’re almost there! Then, look for the blue light: it’s a beacon, so you’ll probably see it in just a few moments. Step on the beacon one by one and you’ll be teleported back to the Florida beach!”
“What about you?” asked Casper.
“You have to come out safe! If you don’t, I’ll never forgive you!” yelled Tweety.
“Just go!” shouted Natasha’s hologram as it was being captured by the skeleton hand. The toys followed the orders, then stepped into the beacon one by one. The last one to leave was Penguiny, and before leaving, he glanced back and saw that Natasha’s hologram was not there anymore.