“The Mildenhall Treasure” is a great story. It uses something called creative nonfiction. This is when a writer takes a real historical fact or story and uses nonfictional characters and techniques to recreate it differently. For instance, one can read a newspaper account of an event and have the same set of facts playing out Read more…
Mowgli, Kotick, Rikki Tikki, Bagheera, Nag and so many more come from the one and only, Rudyard Kipling. Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865, and died on January 18, 1936. He lived to be 70 years old. He was born in Bombay, India. One of his most famous books is called The Jungle Read more…
The Amazing Underground Owl The burrowing owl has large lemon-lime eyes with alternating brown and off-white feathers. The burrowing owls prefer to live in plain, flat grasslands for they can catch their prey which are insects, rodents, and small lizards; they also use the grasslands to hide from predators such as coyotes, great horned owls… Read more…