Brightly clad joggers, at the dawn’s first light
Brightly clad joggers, at the dawn’s first light
Jog their firm pace across paved grey gravel
Their sneakers bounce lightly throughout terrain
They go in the morning, dreading the heat
The sun starts to rise, orange blob floating
The sky starts to turn from orange to blue
The birds chirp in the trees, singing to earth
The peace has dispersed, for humans have woke
The earth is fully alive around midday
The sun now bright yellow, The sky, deep blue
Then comes the scorching heat burning eyes raw
Lastly comes dusk, sky turns blue to purple
Crickets chirping their steady nightly beat
The sun descends to a mellow orange
Soon after the earth falls asleep, for now….
B is for Bing Bing
He says Bing Bing is hilarious, adept at the art of comedy
I say Bing Bing is heartless, teasing me day and night
He says Bing Bing is so generous
I say “no”, he abuses his power of older brother
He says Bing Bing is a saint
I say he is a devil sent straight from hell, meant to taunt me to death
He says Bing Bing is kind and caring
I am just silent because I know all that he says is true.
I is for Impossible
Take the “im” out of impossible and you can see a whole different world
Impossible is nothing, as humans always win
Impossible is a myth, a tale, a word of empty meaning
Impossible is a word used to discourage others
Impossible is an impatient word, waiting to be used
Impossible is a word of anger, screamed out of frustration
Impossible is an anaconda, squeezing out our hope.