Aliens From Planet R


Day 1… chapter 1 How it All Begins


It was a normal summer day in San Francisco, California – people were chattering in restaurants, kids were jumping into their pools; but all of a

sudden the normal day summer day shattered into pieces. Pods that looked like satellites crashed down onto the city destroying many tall buildings. A 30 year-old man with skinny arms, thin legs, who was abnormally tall, and with short dirty brown hair who had a job as an engineer, didn’t know what had just hit California. He looked on the news and found out that scientists suspected the catastrophe was a result of five giant pods that crashed, made of a material called expemartiparticals.


Day 4… chapter 2 Planet R


Scientists have taken all the pods back to secret laboratories located in hidden places underground. However one of the laboratories reported strange things happening with their pod – such as random shaking in the pod, hallucinations when some scientists went near the pod, and temporary loss of vision. Another laboratory said that the pods came from a new planet called Planet R from an unknown galaxy.


Day 6… chapter 3 Michael


From the laboratory that had the really strange readings, some scientists left to look for different jobs; the others that stayed to work on their pod had to use specialized suits that keep people from having hallucinations. Suddenly a black-eyed, pale creature opened the pod and looked strangely at the scientists, then the creature made a loud screeching noise that made everyone go unconscious. One scientist somehow escaped and muttered under his breath, “I knew aliens were real!”


– Later that day: When the scientist escaped the news lady interviewed him on the news.


James turned on his TV and changed the channel to News 12 and he heard the scientist saying, “Well do you know what were inside those pods?! There are real live aliens in there!”

News lady: “Well there you have it folks, this is News 12 reporting live from San Francisco, California, and if you see any of these aliens, don’t go near them. Please contact Michael at 385-968-3645.” James blankly stared at the TV while a commercial was playing, totally shocked by the words he just heard on the news. He threw the TV remote down on his couch and sprinted down the hallway as quickly as he could, and opened the garage door and slammed it behind him. He briskly opened a door of a gigantic room full of robot parts as big as he was. He whispered to himself, “I knew these parts would come into play one day,” and began to build a giant robot.


Day 8… chapter 4


These pale big-black-eyed creatures turned what used to be a beautiful place called California into a land with burning buildings and lots of alien creatures. Luckily that one surviving scientist, Michael, helped James take his built robot to a safe place to fill up the fuel cells located in the center of the robot. After working on the robot for the whole afternoon filling up the fuel cells, Michael shouted, “The cells are loaded, this baby is good to go!” James carefully controlled and ran the robot over to where the aliens were currently feeding off a dead corpse, and flat-out said over his microphone: “Hi.”

He slammed his giant robotic fist through the mob of pale aliens. Eventually after a long period of fighting, James found himself and his robot running low on fuel, and the robot was shaking uncontrollably. James reflected on when he was building the robot, and he realized that he forgot to connect the main power core to the right leg! With low fuel and a violently shaking robot he rode it back to the laboratory, and aliens didn’t follow him because they thought he surrendered and would never come back.


Day 9… chapter 5 sergeant Morman


“Gosh,” whispered James to himself, “why does filling up fuel cells have to be so hard?” Suddenly there were booming thuds on the entrance to the secret laboratory. “Dang it Michael, I thought you said this place is invisible to aliens from Planet R!”

“Well it is,” explained Michael, “but I didn’t say it was invisible to humans.” Hesitantly, James walked over to the door and opened it and found a US Marine staring at him, who introduced himself.

“Sergeant Richard Morman.” The sergeant   asked James if he could speak to Michael in private. The sergeant took Michael outside and told him, “let my Marines handle these aliens. That robot will be very puny against these monsters.”

“Well, ok but this isn’t going to go well,” warned Michael in a squeaky voice.

“Thank you,” said the sergeant. Quietly ignoring the scientist’s warning, he marched away with the Marines.


3 hours later (when the Marines start fighting the aliens)…


   Alien bodies were everywhere: the Marine soldiers were all dead. Sergeant Morman hid behind a tree, shooting everything in sight with a M82 sniper rifle, his bloody, muddy face and his flaming, furious eyes aiming at anything that looked alive. Unexpectedly without any warning, James and his robot smashed through an on-fire building and knocked every alien down to the ground. The sergeant quickly screamed at James, “I told you to stay at the laboratory and stay safe!”

       “If I didn’t come just now, you would be on the ground right now, having your head torn off!” James bellowed through the robot’s PA system. The sergeant didn’t need to respond – he just kept reloading and shooting. The aliens quickly got up and started jumping all over the robot, covering its eyes so James couldn’t see. After a short period of scrambling around and trying to get the aliens off its eyes, James screamed, “Stop! Why are we even fighting, why can’t we just make peace with each other?” Sergeant Morman immediately ceased his shooting. The aliens suddenly jumped off the robot’s eyes on command from a superior alien who wore a white and blue crown on his head. The alien carefully thought about the request that James had made, and said,


       “I have decided to accept your asking to make peace with us”.

       “Oh, finally some proper English,” James said, “Not high-pitched screams that make people go unconscious on contact.”

       “Yes we are sorry about that, that is what we do when we are in dire need of something,” responded the alien.

       “Wait, what are you in dire need of?” questioned James. The alien said, ”We desperately need water and resources.”

       “Well, why didn’t you just ask?” asked James, “We have close to a infinite supply.”

       “We are also sorry about that too, we thought you would be just like the other two planets we asked for resources, Planet X and Planet S,” replied the alien general. James stared in hatred at the alien through the eyes of the robot. 

       “And how do those planets act?”

       “Does not want to give anything up, will open fire at any other living creature other than their own kind.”

       James said, “Oh ok then…”. Suddenly some aliens screamed in disagreement and started making efforts to destroy and bring the robot down to the ground.


Sergeant Marmon shrieked in surprise and started shooting in random places in the air, and a couple of the giant bullets shot the aliens in the eyes while other hit James’s robot in the stomach where the power core and fuel cells were. James shouted, “Hey, watch where you are shooting!” James struggled to get the aliens off of his robot’s eyes. But, the sergeant did not hear him, and he kept on shooting in random places with his eyes closed. Eventually he hit one of the James’s major fuel cells. James felt a massive jolt on the stomach of the robot and the system of the robot said, “Warning: power cell 3 damaged, please stop the robot for repairs, warning power cell 3…” And James screamed “what the @#$% you idiot, no other sergeant in the world would do that but you!”

James smashed his hand on the eject button and it sent him and his chair flying in the air. Quickly he released the parachute, but an alien jumped onto his chute and started tearing it to pieces. James heavily panicked, and quickly ejected the main chute and pulled out the emergency one. Luckily no aliens jumped on the emergency chute and he safely landed.

He signaled the alien general to come with him, and bring the small group of friendly aliens who didn’t make an effort to kill him. He took them back to the laboratory. He left all the robot parts, and the traumatized sergeant out in the open road.


Inside the lab… chapter 6 a little surprise


“We much appreciate you taking us back to your laboratory,” said the alien general.

“Yeah, yeah whatever, can you help me make a new, stronger, and faster robot so we can go and get your – ” James was suddenly cut off by a blaring bang on the door of the laboratory. Before James could even say anything to Michael, the door exploded into a bunch of tiny pieces, and the aliens, left behind and evidently split from their leader, appeared in front of the entry to the lab. They screamed and destroyed everything in sight, including experimental equipment, their own pod (in a state of disrepair), microscopes, computer monitors and kitchenware. After that the aliens went to look, down through the many tunnels and pathways of the laboratory, for James, Michael, and the general. However, they could not find them because Michael took them to a secret compartment, behind a false wall, in the laboratory. After waiting for a long time, the aliens finally gave up looking for them and sprinted out of the building. They thought that the humans and the general went back to the city to look for another place to hide, but James, Michael and the general were simply hiding among the Bunsen burners and stored chemicals, playing poker and gambling for money (the aliens that hadn’t attacked James even though they were thought not to turn on them they did so, and were inside men for the aliens left behind).

After the aliens left, James, Michael, and the general came out of their hiding spot and tip-toed out of the lab. As they walked without a word through the forest surrounding the lab, until they thought they were far away enough, they finally started talking again.

“What was that,” James angrily whispered to the general as if he still thought there was something listening to every single word they said.

“I don’t know – I thought we lost them and they would never find us,” replied the general.

“Michael… ?” questioned James.

“I don’t know: [U1] maybe the cloaking device’s cable that covers the lab disconnected to the generator,” Michael replied, showing in his face that he was nervous.

“What are we going to do now: just sit here and watch the word end?” James asked hopelessly.

“No,” Michael said, “we fight till the end, so what if we don’t have a giant robot fighting beside us, we can still win this war.”

“You know what you’re right, we can do this and as I live and my heart still beats, I will never stop fighting,” James said with great commitment. “General, do you still have those ray guns,” questioned James.

“Yes, why?” replied the general.

“It’s about to be a full out gun fight,” James said.

“Let’s do this!” exclaimed Michael excitedly, and they sprinted off into the distance jabbering about how they were going to ambush all the aliens.


5 hours later… chapter 7


“Ok Michael, you remember the plan you break the neck of the first one you see get to cover, then the general and I will come in, and we’ll meet you in your hiding place and we’ll kill them off one by one,” whispered James to Michael.

“Got it,” Michael said.

“Alright, 3, 2, 1, go,” whispered James and they proceeded with the plan.  As Michael quietly snuck up toward an alien, he felt cold sweat running down his back and he couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that he only had one shot at this, if he messed up all life on Earth would be at risk. All in a flash it was done, he had snapped the alien’s neck with a loud pop. when James and the general heard this, they quickly ran toward Michael with the noisy sounds of crunching leaves below them. Everything was going well, so far.

But as Michael was running for cover he was was being shot at by all the aliens he could possibly imagine. So he got to cover behind a large tree, armed the ray gun and got a lucky shot right on the head of an alien, it exploded in to smithereens. Michael bent down to stare at the gun amazed by its power. He quickly realized he had no time to praise it and kept shooting. When James and the general had got to Michael’s position he was almost surrounded by aliens shooting ray guns at him.

“Why aren’t you trying to shoot the aliens,” James screamed at Michael when he got to him.

“Oh gee, I don’t know, maybe it’s because of the fact there is so many other life forms shooting at me its unsafe to even poke part of my head out,” exclaimed Michael jokingly.

“Yeah right,” James said sarcastically, he briefly stretched his head up to fire a shot then quickly crouched back down and said “Ok you’re right.”

Before Michael could even say anything the general yelled, “Are you guys done arguing, we’re kind of being shot at?” Michael and James nodded at each other, sprang up, and fired 5 shots each with deadly accuracy. Their shot had hit ten targets total all of their heads exploded to smithereens. Suddenly James had an idea, “Michael do you still have that grenade that you said you put too much gunpowder in it,”

“Yeah, why?”

“You’ll see,” James blankly said, snatched the grenade from his hand, tossed it next to a tree where all the aliens were standing in a straight line, fired at the grenade and watched the tree noisily fall onto the aliens allowing purple blood to explode all over the ground.

“Job done!” James said to Michael.

“Wait there’s one more running away into the–” the general didn’t get to finish his sentence because James had fired a shot that killed the alien. He jogged over toward it and stomped on it with eternal rage, purple blood and brains spattered all over the James’s shoe and the ground.

“I think that’s the last of them, c’mon lets get out of here,” James said and they all walked calmly yet victoriously, out of San Francisco, California.

“I’m going to go find my parents,” James said.

“I need to go look for my wife and daughter,” Michael echoed. The general looked up into the sky and remained silent… as they all took off in different directions.



What happens to the characters after these events…


James: In the end James finds his parents but they die 10 years later. James becomes world famous, a billionaire from making speeches around the world. He lives a long happy life in San Francisco, adopting five orphans from around the world, and dies of old age at 101.


Michael: Yet also becomes world famous finds his daughter but not his wife, is elected for governor. He dies at age 56 from the pancreatic cancer disease before he can take office.


The General: Though does not become world famous on earth, after James and Michael went to look for their families, it reminds him of his beloved family. He rebuilds a pod and goes back to them at Planet R. Later he assassinates the king of Planet R and takes pride in being ruler with his happy family and fellow aliens.


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