Sexually graphic books in school libraries and actual US Government censorship WARNING: Due to the nature of this subject, some sexually graphic information is included in the below. It is only named, but younger students should only read with parent supervision. by Alex Lin  The current issue of school library book banning was introduced to Read more…


Appreciating Americana State By State: A Panoramic Portrait of America, edited and compiled by Matt Weiland and Sean Wilsey, aims to create one book containing 50 different essays, written by 50 different authors, about the 50 U.S. states. Each individual essay attempts to capture the notable features and gives a unique understanding to each place. Read more…


The Life and Work of Robert Capa Robert Capa (1913-1954) was one of the greatest photographers and photojournalists of the 20th century and arguably the most monumental war photographer in history. Capa was born in Budapest, Hungary, as Endre Ernő Friedmann to the Jewish family of Julia and Dezső Friedmann. As a child, Capa was Read more…


The Man Behind Apple Steve Jobs, one of the greatest inventors to ever live, was born in San Francisco on February 24th, 1955, and died on October 5th, 2011, of pancreatic cancer, at the age of 56, just 68 days after he resigned as CEO of Apple. Steve Jobs really fascinates me because he created Read more…


Toad-headed, the rainbow, smashed headed rock… what are these monsters? The agama comprises at least seven species found across Africa where they are the most common lizard. They can be found in sizes of 12.5 to 30 centimeters and have a wide variety of colors. Their front teeth are designed for quick cutting and chewing Read more…


My Side of the Mountain was a thoughtful and wonderful book. Sam was an amazing character who was very clever. Not only was Sam smart but he was also amazing at making friends; for example, he made friends with Bando and Matt and mastered Frightful: he is smart because he got books from the library Read more…


Likely the two weirdest characters you’ll ever read about: Luke from “My Friend Luke” and the recipient of blows in “There’s a Man Hitting me on the Head with an Umbrella”, by Fernando Sorrentino Zou in normal font, Reyes in bold, italics when one answers the other I’ve read a collection of different authors now, Read more…


Roald Dahl’s “The Hitchhiker” and O. Henry’s “After 20 Years” Roald Dahl has had a place on my bookshelf, and in my heart, since I was a little girl. Seeing his name again in this short story brought back memories of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda. Before reading the story, I had high Read more…


Gretath Yunberg I stepped outside and took a long, deep breath of the cool refreshing air. Everything was caked with a thick layer of glistening and shining white snow. The majestic pine trees with their skinny branches struggled to push against the snow that weighed them down. I stepped out and my heavy boots were Read more…


Eudora Welty’s second voice: how she infused her own thoughts into countless stories Eudora Welty mastered the art of writing. She created complex characters who follow her trademark saying, that “…Greater than situation is implication. Greater than all of these is a single entire human being who will never be confined in any frame”; she Read more…